The ENSCR is involved with numerous partnerships and many regional, national and international networks. The school is developing cooperation with highly-reputed partners. The ENSCR is recognised today in all branches of industry and research.

ENSCR, member of the University of Rennes

This project is the result of a collaboration between University of Rennes 1 and 5 schools (EHESP, ENSCR, ENS, INSA, Sciences Po). In 2017, these establishments undertook to set up a regional grouping with the aim of constituting a large internationally recognized research and training university.

Training partners

Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE)


This is an association of engineering and business schools and general or specialised further education colleges, all recognised by the Government and awarding a diploma in recognition of at least 5 years of study after leaving school.

Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs (CDEFI)


This is a grouping of all the principals of French engineering colleges accredited by the Engineering Awards Committee to issue an engineering degree.


Fédération Gay-Lussac (FGL)

The Gay-Lussac Federation is a group of 20 major colleges of chemistry and process engineering in France, which are centres for teaching, research and ongoing training..


Conférence des Directeurs des Grandes Ecoles de Bretagne (CDGEB)


This consists of the 21 major colleges in Brittany and five associate members. The variety of training offered to students and the themes of research undertaken in the laboratories of these colleges are all creative resources ensuring that what is on offer in these establishments is suited to the requirements of business.


Groupe des Concours Communs INP

The Groupe des Concours Communs INP is a network of 32 engineering schools offering common entrance examinations to students preparing for admission to major colleges (CPGE).

Institutional partners

Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (CTI)


The Engineering Awards Committee is an independent body set up by French law in 1934 to accredit all engineering training courses, to develop the quality of training, and to promote the qualification and the profession of engineers in France and abroad.

label EUR-ACE, European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education

enscr-logo-EURACEEur-Ace is the accreditation of the trainings of engineers in Europe at the level bachelor and Master’s degree. This European quality label is managed by the association ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education).

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)


The national research agency was set up on 1 January 2007 as an agency to finance research projects. It has a dual role, aimed both at public research establishments and at companies: to produce new knowledge and to encourage interaction between public laboratories and laboratories in businesses in developing partnerships.

Carnot Institute

The research teams are involved in the Carnot AgriFood Transition, which aims to promote technology transfers and develop research partnerships with companies in the sectors.

The School is constantly building up links with industrialists, both in collaboration in research and in obtaining placements for our engineering students.

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)


This is a public research body under the aegis of the Ministry of Education and Research. The CNRS conducts research in all areas of science, technology and sociology. All the laboratories at the ENSCR are associates of the CNRS.


UMR CNRS 6226 “Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes”

ENSCR-Nospartenaires-logoUMRThis Mixed Research Unit was founded on 1 January 2006 to bring together all the strengths in chemistry and process engineering on this site: the University of Rennes 1, INSA of Rennes and the ENSCR.

The Poool

Serving startups and innovative technology companies in Ille-et-Vilaine, Le Poool’s mission is to foster their emergence, maximize the number of creations, support their acceleration and participate in their development towards global leadership. Le Poool is a RETIS member and founder of the 7TB network (7 Technopoles de Bretagne), has more than 350 members, supports 150 companies and organizes more than 100 events each year.


The Brittany Region

The Regional Council is active in the fields of everyday life and the future of Brittany, such as training, economic development, the environment, etc. The Brittany Region lends financial support to higher education and research.



Rennes Métropole

The City of Rennes lends financial support to research laboratories and young scientists, which enhances the attractiveness of Rennes’ research facilities for established researchers.

International partners

All the international partners of the ENSCR are listed on the international webpage.