Chemistry can and should contribute to protect the environment ! Not only does the research in chemistry develop new products more and more environmentally friendly, such as green solvents, phthalate free biodegradable polymers … it can also contribute to reduce the pollution. Chemistry helps also for the risk evaluation through ever refiner analytical methods. Chemistry and chemical engineering contributes to the reduction of the exposure to harmful pollutant by the design of new, more efficient, processes. It allows to investigate the natural transformation processes of chemical compounds, be it in a water drop of in the midst of stars.

Main research topics

Protection of the environment

… but also protection of the people, reduce the environmental impact of human activities by treating the industrial, agricultural or urban wastes (water, air, soils, …), eliminate refractory compounds in liquid effluents by one or coupled processes, lower the release of VOC, odors … in gaseous effluents. Resolve soil contamination by persistent organic products (POP). Limit population’s exposure to residual pollutants in water (pesticides, endocrine disruptors, pharmaceutical residues …) or air (odors, work or residential environments…)

Micropollutant analysis  ENSCR_équipe CIP

Develop identification and quantification methods for trace level organic compounds in complex media. Study their fate in the environment and during treatments. Identify and quantify treatment by-products.

Air/Water/Soil treatment processes

Develop new processes and design combined treatments. Study reactions mechanisms for chemical and biological oxidation. Examine the physical-chemical and biological phenomena governing these processes. Model their behavior and built simulation tools. Upscaling concepts to real industrial conditions.


Synthezise new molecules based on hetero-elements occurring in interstellar medium and model the reaction in those conditions.