The Industrial Relations Department supports events organised by the school and the students, wherever businesses are involved. The training of our engineering students is punctuated by interventions, such as courses or conferences, given by professionals. In addition, in order to respond to a company’s problem, projects can be carried out in collaboration with students.

Cycle of industrial conferences

Each year, our students-engineers attend a cycle of industrial conferences dealing with technical and scientific themes.

The ENSCR had the privilege of receiving the following personalities:

– M. Peter METZ, Technische Universität Dresden
– M. Michel de ROSEN Président du Conseil d’Administration d’Eutelsat
– M. Jean SENTENAC, PDG d’Axens


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Job’Chem is a Job Forum which offers the opportunity for companies and organizations to exchange directly with our students with varied profiles. This day constitutes a highlight for future graduates in the development of their professional project, through the discovery of the variety of chemical professions and fields of activity, accessible upon receipt of their diploma.

Link to the page of Job’Chem


The Innov’Chem Challenge

Since 2014, the ENSCR has organised for its first-year students-engineers a week on innovation. The students are divided into groups and coached by volunteer tutors (staff and teachers). The “Innov’Chem” challenge runs over two days (from Wednesday 2pm to Friday midday) and the results of the groups’ work are presented to a jury on Friday afternoon, and to a meeting of all the students and staff of the school.

To find out more about the challenge