This also depends on the choice of projects and placements to enable students to complete their training in France and abroad. In the third year, students raise their profile while deepening their awareness of international affairs and their knowledge of the industrial world. The gateways opened by the ENSCR with its partners multiply the course options. Note: one course may lead to several careers (Careers in chemistry) and for any given career there are several possible courses.
Environment, Processes, Analysis
Erwan GINGAT (3rd year engineer in 2016-2017)
« After my 2 years of CPI in Rennes, I decided to stay at the ENSCR because it was possible in the last year of engineering cycle to turn to management. This notion was still rather vague for me at the time, but I already had this desire to become a group leader and to interact with other people.
Among the courses offered at the core common in the engineering cycle, there were some very interesting ones, and it is towards the engineering of the processes that I turned to in 2nd year. The subjects taught and the teaching methods suited me very well, and I find the areas of application attractive. The different projects proposed at the school confronted me with team management situations and confirmed me in my choice of study project. I participated in” Entrepreneurship” in EI2, a fictitious business creation project that required a lot of know-how in project and team management. I realized that I didn’t know enough about the field, and that was a decisive point in the choice of my training in the last year. I decided to take a double degree in the “Master Business Administration” at the IGR, w here I learned many functions used in business.»
Chemistry and Technologies for the Living
Léa Maximin is currently 3rd year engineer and has followed the CTV Major. She completed her final year (2019-2020) at the Université du Québec and wants to work later in the cosmetics field.
“After two years of CPI (Integrated Preparatory Cycle) in Lille, I joined the ENSCR, attracted by the «Chemistry and Living Technologies» (CLT) sector accessible in 2nd year. Thanks to the various courses delivered as well as the internships carried out within the school curriculum, I was able to refine my professional project: working in the field of formulation and particularly in the cosmetics sector. I completed my final year of school at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC), in Canada, with a double degree to specialize in the field of cosmetology. In this way, I was able to benefit from a small teaching staff whose year was separated into two parts: a first part of practical and theoretical learning, followed by an implementation through the development of a range of cosmetic products. This training was enriching both professionally and personally, where we are offered the opportunity to study abroad through the various partnerships offered by the school. Following my final internship in natural ingredient enhancement, in cosmetic formulations, I would like to continue on this path.”
Benjamin GRAIN is currently in 3rd year (2019-2020) and follows the CTV Major. Currently, he is doing his final year internship at the Institut Pasteur in Lille and would like to continue after his diploma towards a doctorate.
“Passionate about the sciences and especially about Chemistry, I decided to follow a course of Chemical Engineer by starting a Preparatory Cycle Integrated in the ENSCL (Chemistry Lille), following which I chose to join the ENSCR (Chimie Rennes) which offered me the opportunity to specialize in Organic Chemistry during the Engineering Cycle. So I opted for the CTV major (Chemistry and Technologies for the Living) in the 2nd year, then I followed a double diploma Engineer – Master Molecular Chemistry in the last year. This choice is consistent with my wish to work in the field of Research. I am currently completing my internship at the Institut Pasteur in Lille in the CBF (Chemical Biology of Flatworms) team. I am working specifically on the development of a solid phase protein synthesis method. Following this internship, I plan to do a thesis that, I hope, will bring me a rewarding and successful experience. During my course, I particularly appreciated the mobility offered by the Gay Lussac Federation, which allows everyone to build the course that best suits them. The richness of the teachings, the advantage of studying in a school on a human scale where students are united and the organization of inter-student challenges (Innov’Chem) I have contributed a lot during these 3 years spent in Rennes. Not to mention the opportunity to do an internship abroad in the 2nd year! As far as I’m concerned, I chose KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm, which remains an unforgettable experience.”