Student life at the ENSCR is not limited to scientific studies but involves many different activities, mainly organised by the Students’ Union (Bureau des élèves – BDE).


The BDE is an essential society at the ENSCR. It organises the major events of the year (freshers’ week, freshers’ weekend, leaving ceremonies, TIC etc). It also works throughout the year to support the school and offer students a variety of activities. Its main tasks are to help new arrivals to get to know one another and find their bearings, to create a good atmosphere between the various years, to organise social events, to create partnerships with the other schools on the campus (Supélec, Esir, Insa etc.), and in general to manage the day-to day life of the school (café, laundrette, practical work kit etc.).

Contact the BDE :

The BDE is split into several sections that work together to make sure that the society operates well:

ENSCR_BDE mascotteThe BP (bureau principal – main office) prepares the year’s major events, represents the school on open days, ensures the continued existence of the society.

The BDS (Bureau des Sports – sports office) organises training and sporting fixtures. It is in contact with the BDS of the other engineering schools on the campus. Five sports are on offer: football, handball, volleyball, basketball and badminton. The university also offers a wide range of sports.

The BDA (Bureau des Activities – extra-curricular activities’ office) organises trips, and entertainment evenings, offers numerous goodies and manages the clubs..

The BDC (Bureau de la Convivialité – social office) organises evening events.

The BDF (Bureau du Foyer – union office) manages the students’ union and the cafeteria.